Tata Sons will build a 40GW battery cell gigafactory in the United Kingdom (UK). The investment, of over £4 billion, will deliver electric mobility and renewable energy storage solutions for customers in UK and Europe.
Source: Tata
“SEAT S.A. has applied to the new Battery PERTE VEC, with a project to build a battery cell assembly plant in Martorell This project will ensure more than 400 direct jobs and more than 100 indirect jobs.”
Source: SEAT
NPB Automation specialize in cutting-edge automation equipment for high-speed, efficient production and handling of cylindrical battery components, such as lids and discs.
Source: NPB Automation
Battery recycling company Redwood Materials, founded by former Tesla CTO JB Straubel, is well on its way to raising another 700 million dollars in capital to fund its expansion. This is apparently to finance another recycling plant in Nevada.
Source: Electrive
SOVEMA shares its job vacancies at Batteryline.com
Source: Batteryline.com