Answers to
experts questions

In case you want to know more about our community website, we have listed some Q&A. In case you require additional information, please ask here.


Why was founded?

Experts in manufacturing of batteries are aware that the developments within the industry are going fast. For optimization of this development process it is necessary to share knowledge, experiences and build a great network.

Where does the expertise from come from?

Representatives of work in the development, building and servicing of EV battery lines. The are connected to many other experts themselves.

Why are there not many pictures of battery lines on the website?

The production of EV batteries is in development and change. The current executions are mostly not published for competitive reasons. respects this and will not disclose on the website pictures which can disadvantage our current partners and their customers.

Become a partner

What does it mean to be a partner of

As a partner in our community you can cooperate with other partners on commercial, technological and organizational aspects of building equipment for the battery industry. For more specific information please contact us.

How do I join our community of experts from

We are a platform for experts and continuously searching for new experts to join our network. Please contact us.

Can I have a partner page on your platform?

For advanced partners there is a possibility to have a partner page on the platform. For becoming a partner please contact us.

Can I advertise on

You can contact us through the contact form and describe your request.

Can I publish on

We are always looking for other experts who want to share their knowledge on this platform. Please contact us.

Can my logo be added to the animation?

As a partner this is possible. Please contact us.

Need our expertise

Need our expertise?

Leave your contact details to connect to the expert network of and we will contact you as soon as possible. Please contact us.


Can I advertise on

You can contact us through the contact form and describe your request.

Can I publish on

We are always looking for other experts who want to share their knowledge on this platform. Please contact us.

Can my logo be added to the animation?

As a partner this is possible. Please contact us.