Our Experts

Pim van Vlaanderen

I joined AmbaFlex almost 25 years ago, this with my technical and commercial education an ideal combination to introduce the Spiralveyor concept to the market, at that time unknown.

Over the years, I have gained a lot of experience in various markets where there was an increasing demand for space-saving solutions for vertical continuous transport. This combined with high levels of reliability, efficiency and product characteristics.

Together with machine builders and integrators, I have contributed to a growing number of new vertical transport solutions that have found their way into the packaging and logistics industry.  For three years now, I have been working within our industry business team as business development manager, looking for new trends and learning and listening from our end customers using our Spiralveyors on a daily basis.

One of these new markets is the battery market in which we have developed a great new vertical transport solution with our more than 25 years of experience. This again strongly considering the specific requirements and environmental conditions in this future market.

Proud to work on this together with our product engineers, R&D colleagues and lead engineers and to receive the first positive feedback from our machines in the field.