Our Experts

James Eaton

James grew up in Yorkshire and studied Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London where he developed skills in design, manufacture, and testing of battery packs for electric vehicles.

After graduating, James was hired as a researcher in the Electrochemical Science and Engineering Group at Imperial College London. In this industry-facing role, he often met with automotive industry professionals. However, due to the current rapidly shifting nature of the automotive sector, James found that he was the expert in the room on battery packs compared to seasoned OEM experts with 20 years’ experience in combustion engines.

Spotting an opportunity in the market, James began building a consultancy alongside Monica Marinescu, a Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London with over 10 years’ experience in battery technologies.

Initially, the company offered battery pack design consultancy, however James decided to pivot its offering when he noticed that many OEMs were in critical need of support in all stages of the battery pack value chain – from having the initial vision to producing a vehicle ready, fully optimised battery. It became clear that a business like IONETIC was a necessity for small and niche manufacturers looking to switch to electric.

This led to him co-founding IONETIC with Monica in January 2022. IONETIC gives niche vehicle-makers a highly time-efficient and cost-effective route to electrification, empowering them to successfully overcome the complex challenges of adapting to the future of mobility.

Combining its in-house operations with a highly agile development and production philosophy, IONETIC enables niche vehicle-makers to significantly cut the time and costs required to achieve a comprehensive battery pack solution.